Tuesday, December 12, 2023
Nurgul Ukueva (OSUN EDI Visiting Faculty Fellow, Associate Professor, American University of Central Asia)
Olin 102 5:00 pm EST/GMT-5 The purpose of this research is to study the effect of migration and remittances on the health of elderly parents left behind using household survey panel data for Kyrgyzstan. Aging population is a significant global trend with important socio-economic implications worldwide. Kyrgyzstan is one of the top migrant-sending countries in the world with remittances comprising more than 30 percent of its GDP. The limited public pension benefits, dependence of elderly on household arrangements and support from adult children, while most children being labor migrants abroad makes Kyrgyzstan an important case study. Theoretically, there are different channels through which migration and remittances could affect elderly and the overall impact is uncertain. On the one hand, remittances that households left behind could improve their standards of living, allowing for better nutrition, increased spending on health check-ups and access to better healthcare services, thus contributing positively to health outcomes of elders. On the other hand, with adult children working abroad, elderly parents may have to look after grandchildren, be involved in more housework and additional farm work. Elderly parents may lack physical and emotional support of their adult children and experience negative health consequences from migration of their children. Thus, the impact of migration and remittances on elderly health outcomes is ambiguous, demands empirical investigation. |
Tuesday, November 28, 2023
Gabriel Hetland, Associate Professor of Latin American, Caribbean, and Latina/o Studies
Faculty Affiliate, Sociology Department, SUNY Albany Olin 102 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm EST/GMT-5 This will be a book talk. In case you want an image of the book or other details, click here.Is democracy possible only when it is safe for elites? Latin American history seems to suggest so. Right-wing forces have repeatedly deposed elected governments that challenged the rich and accepted democracy only after the defanging of the Left and widespread market reform. Latin America’s recent “left turn” raised the question anew: how would the Right react if democracy threatened elite interests? This book examines the complex relationship of the Left, the Right, and democracy through the lens of local politics in Venezuela and Bolivia. Drawing on two years of fieldwork, Gabriel Hetland compares attempts at participatory reform in cities governed by the Left and Right in each country. He finds that such measures were more successful in Venezuela than Bolivia regardless of which type of party held office, though existing research suggests that deepening democracy is much more likely under a left party. Hetland accounts for these findings by arguing that Venezuela’s ruling party achieved hegemony—presenting its ideas as the ideas of all—while Bolivia’s ruling party did not. The Venezuelan Right was compelled to act on the Left’s political terrain; this pushed it to implement participatory reform in an unexpectedly robust way. In Bolivia, demobilization of popular movements led to an inhospitable environment for local democratic deepening under any party. Democracy on the Ground shows that, just as right-wing hegemony can reshape the Left, leftist hegemony can reshape the Right. Offering new perspectives on participation, populism, and Latin American politics, this book challenges widespread ideas about the constraints on democracy. |
Thursday, June 15, 2023 Online Event 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm EDT/GMT-4 Greetings, future Levy scholars. I am Carlton Rounds, admissions officer and assistant to the director of the Levy Economics Institute Graduate Programs in Economic Theory and Policy. During this information session, I will provide an overview of the Levy academic programs, admission requirements, enrollment steps, and financial aid procedures. For international students, I can clarify immigration requirements and planning. As a former Bard student and lifelong area resident, I will speak about life in the Hudson Valley and Bard College. Please Note: Applicants that attend virtual information sessions will have their application fees waived. |
Thursday, June 1, 2023 Online Event 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm EDT/GMT-4 Greetings, future Levy scholars. I am Carlton Rounds, admissions officer and assistant to the director of the Levy Economics Institute Graduate Programs in Economic Theory and Policy. During this information session, I will provide an overview of the Levy academic programs, admission requirements, enrollment steps, and financial aid procedures. For international students, I can clarify immigration requirements and planning. As a former Bard student and lifelong area resident, I will speak about life in the Hudson Valley and Bard College. Please Note: Applicants that attend virtual information sessions will have their application fees waived. |
Thursday, May 18, 2023 Online Event 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm EDT/GMT-4 Greetings, future Levy scholars. I am Carlton Rounds, admissions officer and assistant to the director of the Levy Economics Institute Graduate Programs in Economic Theory and Policy. During this information session, I will provide an overview of the Levy academic programs, admission requirements, enrollment steps, and financial aid procedures. For international students, I can clarify immigration requirements and planning. As a former Bard student and lifelong area resident, I will speak about life in the Hudson Valley and Bard College. Please Note: Applicants that attend virtual information sessions will have their application fees waived. |
Thursday, May 4, 2023 Online Event 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm EDT/GMT-4 Greetings, future Levy scholars. I am Carlton Rounds, admissions officer and assistant to the director of the Levy Economics Institute Graduate Programs in Economic Theory and Policy. During this information session, I will provide an overview of the Levy academic programs, admission requirements, enrollment steps, and financial aid procedures. For international students, I can clarify immigration requirements and planning. As a former Bard student and lifelong area resident, I will speak about life in the Hudson Valley and Bard College. Please Note: Applicants that attend virtual information sessions will have their application fees waived. |
Monday, April 24, 2023 Olin 102 5:30 pm EDT/GMT-4 Women are the fastest growing segment of virtually all sectors of the carceral system (jail, prison, parole, and probation). This is also the case at the back end of the system, among those serving extreme sentences of 50 years in prison or more. People serving these sentences refer to their experience as "death by incarceration" given that sentence length and statutory limitations and exclusions from parole eligibility guarantee that they will die in prison. The number of women serving these sentences has exponentially increased in recent decades. The vast majority are survivors of gender violence. Their criminal convictions are often directly or indirectly tied to their encounters with violence and abuse. In this talk, I'll discuss why and how this is happening and what we can and should be doing about it. https://www.jillmccorkel.com/ Philadelphia Justice Project for Women and Girls |
Thursday, April 20, 2023 Online Event 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm EDT/GMT-4 Greetings, future Levy scholars. I am Carlton Rounds, admissions officer and assistant to the director of the Levy Economics Institute Graduate Programs in Economic Theory and Policy. During this information session, I will provide an overview of the Levy academic programs, admission requirements, enrollment steps, and financial aid procedures. For international students, I can clarify immigration requirements and planning. As a former Bard student and lifelong area resident, I will speak about life in the Hudson Valley and Bard College. Please Note: Applicants that attend virtual information sessions will have their application fees waived. |
Thursday, April 6, 2023 Online Event 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm EDT/GMT-4 Greetings, future Levy scholars. I am Carlton Rounds, admissions officer and assistant to the director of the Levy Economics Institute Graduate Programs in Economic Theory and Policy. During this information session, I will provide an overview of the Levy academic programs, admission requirements, enrollment steps, and financial aid procedures. For international students, I can clarify immigration requirements and planning. As a former Bard student and lifelong area resident, I will speak about life in the Hudson Valley and Bard College. Please Note: Applicants that attend virtual information sessions will have their application fees waived. |
Thursday, March 16, 2023 Online Event 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm EDT/GMT-4 Greetings, future Levy scholars. I am Carlton Rounds, admissions officer and assistant to the director of the Levy Economics Institute Graduate Programs in Economic Theory and Policy. During this information session, I will provide an overview of the Levy academic programs, admission requirements, enrollment steps, and financial aid procedures. For international students, I can clarify immigration requirements and planning. As a former Bard student and lifelong area resident, I will speak about life in the Hudson Valley and Bard College. Please Note: Applicants that attend virtual information sessions will have their application fees waived. |
Thursday, March 2, 2023 Online Event 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm EST/GMT-5 Greetings, future Levy scholars. I am Carlton Rounds, admissions officer and assistant to the director of the Levy Economics Institute Graduate Programs in Economic Theory and Policy. During this information session, I will provide an overview of the Levy academic programs, admission requirements, enrollment steps, and financial aid procedures. For international students, I can clarify immigration requirements and planning. As a former Bard student and lifelong area resident, I will speak about life in the Hudson Valley and Bard College. Please Note: Applicants that attend virtual information sessions will have their application fees waived. |
Wednesday, February 22, 2023 Reem-Kayden Center Laszlo Z. Bito '60 Auditorium 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm EST/GMT-5 This talk is drawn from Roane's recently published book, Dark Agoras: Insurgent Black Social Life and the Politics of Place (NYU Press, 2023). Roane shows how working-class Black communities cultivated insurgent assembly—dark agoras—in twentieth century Philadelphia. He investigates the ways they transposed rural imaginaries about and practices of place as part of their spatial resistances and efforts to contour industrial neighborhoods. In acts that ranged from the mundane refashioning of intimate spaces to confrontations over the city's social and ecological arrangement, Black communities challenged the imposition of Progressive visions for urban order seeking to enclose or displace them. |
Thursday, February 16, 2023 Online Event 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm EST/GMT-5 Greetings, future Levy scholars. I am Carlton Rounds, admissions officer and assistant to the director of the Levy Economics Institute Graduate Programs in Economic Theory and Policy. During this information session, I will provide an overview of the Levy academic programs, admission requirements, enrollment steps, and financial aid procedures. For international students, I can clarify immigration requirements and planning. As a former Bard student and lifelong area resident, I will speak about life in the Hudson Valley and Bard College. Please Note: Applicants that attend virtual information sessions will have their application fees waived. |
Thursday, February 2, 2023
Youssef Ait Benasser, PhD, Visiting Assistant Professor, Reed College
Olin 202 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm EST/GMT-5 Is trade policy symmetric? This talk sheds light on the trade performance of 73 country pairs that have experienced major liberalization policy reversals between 1986 and 2016. Econometric analysis of export data shows reversals have a limited impact and that earlier gains from removing trade barriers are persistent, particularly in wealthier countries. This result suggests that trade policy is asymmetric: compared to protectionist shocks, liberalization shocks have larger and longer effects. In this talk, Dr. Ait Benasser will present the methodology leading to their findings and the implications in the current context of renewed policy activism. They will also discuss how this project fits into their broader research agenda. |
Thursday, February 2, 2023 Online Event 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm EST/GMT-5 Greetings, future Levy scholars. I am Carlton Rounds, admissions officer and assistant to the director of the Levy Economics Institute Graduate Programs in Economic Theory and Policy. During this information session, I will provide an overview of the Levy academic programs, admission requirements, enrollment steps, and financial aid procedures. For international students, I can clarify immigration requirements and planning. As a former Bard student and lifelong area resident, I will speak about life in the Hudson Valley and Bard College. Please Note: Applicants that attend virtual information sessions will have their application fees waived. |
Thursday, January 19, 2023 Online Event 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm EST/GMT-5 Greetings, future Levy scholars. I am Carlton Rounds, admissions officer and assistant to the director of the Levy Economics Institute Graduate Programs in Economic Theory and Policy. During this information session, I will provide an overview of the Levy academic programs, admission requirements, enrollment steps, and financial aid procedures. For international students, I can clarify immigration requirements and planning. As a former Bard student and lifelong area resident, I will speak about life in the Hudson Valley and Bard College. Please Note: Applicants that attend virtual information sessions will have their application fees waived. |
Thursday, January 5, 2023 Online Event 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm EST/GMT-5 Greetings, future Levy scholars. I am Carlton Rounds, admissions officer and assistant to the director of the Levy Economics Institute Graduate Programs in Economic Theory and Policy. During this information session, I will provide an overview of the Levy academic programs, admission requirements, enrollment steps, and financial aid procedures. For international students, I can clarify immigration requirements and planning. As a former Bard student and lifelong area resident, I will speak about life in the Hudson Valley and Bard College. Please Note: Applicants that attend virtual information sessions will have their application fees waived. |